The best way to feast like a local — enjoying tasty local specialties — is to picnic.
There is nothing as romantic as an Italian picnic especially in the hills of Garda Lake. 

Simplicity and genuine products are a must for a typical Italian Picnic basket.
There’s an Italian expression that perfectly captures the typical day trip out of town: gita fuori porta.
Literally, an excursion out of doors, leaving city gates behind.
The foods consumed during said excursions define a precise cultural tradition.
We will pick a location that suits you and your friends: can be among the peaceful olive trees and luscious green hills or by the lake or river, on a hill overlooking the lake . You can choose among st a morning, afternoon or a dinner picnic.
Breakfast food during the cool morning, warmth outside in the afternoon or count the stars at night.
We will have different menus that you can also customize: Caprese Picninc, Gran Classic, Garda Delight, Romantic.
Caprese Picninc Italian Caprese salad with buffalo mozzarella, tomatoes & basil Wholegrain bread Organic pasta with pesto, cherry tomatoes & toasted pinenuts Organic fresh salad Seasonal fresh fruit salad Chocolade caprese cake Choise of organic wine – white, red or prosecco doc Natural water

Price per person